Friday, March 11, 2011

fit mommy Friday

Now that my 30 day raw food challenge is over I want to make sure I stay on track.
This blogging thing really worked for keeping me accountable, so I am thinking it will be great to check in with other mothers every Friday and post how I have done that week. I am using the same blog I used for the challenge so if anyone is interested in the 30 day adventure my kids and I undertook feel free to look around. I love before and after pictures so there are some of those on their own special page. Also my Aunt put an acrostic for the word RAW in the "messages" section on all 30 days, so you may have fun looking at those too.

. This will be my first week and I am terrible at the comp. So I will attempt to figure it out.

It has been a couple weeks that I have been off of raw food, and so far so good. The first week I gained back 5 of the 15 lbs I had lost, but I was not surprised because the very day I was able to eat cooked food my hubby decided to go on vacation, which meant lots of restaurants:-)

My son and I also a couple of weeks ago participated in our first 5k race. We came in last as suspected but it was our goal just to finish which we did!

O.k. so this week My 5 kids and I decided it was time for another challenge. So we decided that by Kages 9Th birthday which is October 30Th, we want to be able to do the splits! We have been stretching every night as a family (minus dad) before bed.

As far as my physical life this week. I rode the exercise bike while watching movies at night 2x. this week. That is about it!

I really want to continue with the jogging so this next week I would like to add that back into the week, Kage and I were exercising every morning together and that has lately stopped, so this would be a good time to start that back up again too.

My food intake has been really good however. It is SO nice to be free to eat what ever and I appreciate that freedom so much more now, so I have been making much better choices to insure I will not, (for medical reasons as some friends and family have,) be forced onto some kind of diet in the future. It has been a lot more enjoyable to eat lately because I have not had the guilt of over indulging or the jealousy from not being "aloud" certain foods.

I realy want to add the Fit Mommy Friday button, but I can not figure it out. Could you help?


  1. Hi! I just found your site from Fit Mommy Friday. It sounds like you had a pretty good week.

    Congrats on making it through 30 days raw. Your before and after pics are amazing!

  2. Thank you so much! I am ecited to be joining you guys on Fridays.
