So I am really into goals lately. We have completed the first 2 which were the thirty day raw food, and the five k. My boys (6&8) have the goal of getting six packs, which they are very very close! Our next family goal as I mentioned is doing splits in all three directions. We are making good progress. My present personal goal is completing an at home medical transcriptions program that I am so blessed to have the opportunity to be able to do, thanks to my fabulous aunt. Terrina has given the idea for our next goal after the splits are done which is to do cartwheels:) I told her she should pick the next goal because so far she has not been excited with our choices.
My purpose with the goals is not to be able to do the things we are aspiring to do but to be doing, trying, striving, accomplishing, something. Pushing through even when it is hard or may hurt a little. To give my kids the desire to be all God has made them to be, stretching out of their comfort zones which may be used in unimaginable ways.
I like comfort, I have many fears, I don't like change. These things hinder our lives leaving us just existing but not thriving with purpose. Leaving our worldly security, puts us out in the open which is scary and will be targeted more by those who may not understand us, or may give our Godly sisters opportunity to correct us (which is painful), But I would rather be humiliatingly wrong, while trying my best, than quietly, timidly, ineffectively right.
I don't know if this makes sense tying our little fun goals and adventures in with these thoughts, but I believe God has inspired me to lead my Chickie's in this way and in turn I feel so alive. Like I did when I was six and ready to serve God with all my heart, and soul, and mind, one little note or smile at a time. I believe I let life, fear of man, and comfort thwart my zeal for the life and purpose God has given me to live out. How grateful I am He does not leave us floundering, or sitting still.
Oh, we are SUPER excited about a goal we have set which is planned to happen in eight years. Yes eight years, so I will not share it with you yet. But eight years from now when I am writing about a fabulous adventure, I will remind you that this is the day the desire for this goal was born:-)
We make our plans but God works out His perfect plan.
I would LOVE to hear of your ideas for family goals.
30 days of raw food!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
fit mommy Friday
Now that my 30 day raw food challenge is over I want to make sure I stay on track.
This blogging thing really worked for keeping me accountable, so I am thinking it will be great to check in with other mothers every Friday and post how I have done that week. I am using the same blog I used for the challenge so if anyone is interested in the 30 day adventure my kids and I undertook feel free to look around. I love before and after pictures so there are some of those on their own special page. Also my Aunt put an acrostic for the word RAW in the "messages" section on all 30 days, so you may have fun looking at those too.
. This will be my first week and I am terrible at the comp. So I will attempt to figure it out.
It has been a couple weeks that I have been off of raw food, and so far so good. The first week I gained back 5 of the 15 lbs I had lost, but I was not surprised because the very day I was able to eat cooked food my hubby decided to go on vacation, which meant lots of restaurants:-)
My son and I also a couple of weeks ago participated in our first 5k race. We came in last as suspected but it was our goal just to finish which we did!
O.k. so this week My 5 kids and I decided it was time for another challenge. So we decided that by Kages 9Th birthday which is October 30Th, we want to be able to do the splits! We have been stretching every night as a family (minus dad) before bed.
As far as my physical life this week. I rode the exercise bike while watching movies at night 2x. this week. That is about it!
I really want to continue with the jogging so this next week I would like to add that back into the week, Kage and I were exercising every morning together and that has lately stopped, so this would be a good time to start that back up again too.
My food intake has been really good however. It is SO nice to be free to eat what ever and I appreciate that freedom so much more now, so I have been making much better choices to insure I will not, (for medical reasons as some friends and family have,) be forced onto some kind of diet in the future. It has been a lot more enjoyable to eat lately because I have not had the guilt of over indulging or the jealousy from not being "aloud" certain foods.
I realy want to add the Fit Mommy Friday button, but I can not figure it out. Could you help?
This blogging thing really worked for keeping me accountable, so I am thinking it will be great to check in with other mothers every Friday and post how I have done that week. I am using the same blog I used for the challenge so if anyone is interested in the 30 day adventure my kids and I undertook feel free to look around. I love before and after pictures so there are some of those on their own special page. Also my Aunt put an acrostic for the word RAW in the "messages" section on all 30 days, so you may have fun looking at those too.
. This will be my first week and I am terrible at the comp. So I will attempt to figure it out.
It has been a couple weeks that I have been off of raw food, and so far so good. The first week I gained back 5 of the 15 lbs I had lost, but I was not surprised because the very day I was able to eat cooked food my hubby decided to go on vacation, which meant lots of restaurants:-)
My son and I also a couple of weeks ago participated in our first 5k race. We came in last as suspected but it was our goal just to finish which we did!
O.k. so this week My 5 kids and I decided it was time for another challenge. So we decided that by Kages 9Th birthday which is October 30Th, we want to be able to do the splits! We have been stretching every night as a family (minus dad) before bed.
As far as my physical life this week. I rode the exercise bike while watching movies at night 2x. this week. That is about it!
I really want to continue with the jogging so this next week I would like to add that back into the week, Kage and I were exercising every morning together and that has lately stopped, so this would be a good time to start that back up again too.
My food intake has been really good however. It is SO nice to be free to eat what ever and I appreciate that freedom so much more now, so I have been making much better choices to insure I will not, (for medical reasons as some friends and family have,) be forced onto some kind of diet in the future. It has been a lot more enjoyable to eat lately because I have not had the guilt of over indulging or the jealousy from not being "aloud" certain foods.
I realy want to add the Fit Mommy Friday button, but I can not figure it out. Could you help?
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Day 30!
It is over! Actually I have been having a lot of fun. And I will continue eating much of the things I have tried. I will definitely be getting a dehydrator of my own. But I must say it will be so nice not to HAVE to eat raw. Terrina will be taking my final picture in the morning, but I will right my summary tonight. So on day one the things I was wondering about were energy, skin, and weight. Honestly I can not say that I have noticed a change in either my energy or my skin. As far as weight goes I definitely feel like I took off my chubby suit and I feel human again. I still have a way to go but this jump started me in the right direction. Some may role their eyes at me but that is OK, I think I might do a 2 week raw food diet once a year. I am thinking every year after my birthday which is right after new Year, which is right after Christmas, which is right after Rina's birthday, Thanks Giving, and every other child's birthday before that. I do not want to be a fuddy duddy and be "dieting" around fun times so I think this is a good plan to get me back into balance after... every thing. We will see how life goes. Everyone keeps asking, what is the first thing I will eat tomorrow. I had know idea until I stopped at the store for snacks for my cubbies tonight. I grabbed a bag of chips and some carbonated water which I plan to eat for lunch tomorrow with my left overs from tonight. Tonight for my last meal I made "Living Lasagna" again. I just had to. I wondered if it was really as good as I remembered or maybe I had just built it up in my head talking about how good it was. Nope it is just a good! Sooo good. Kage did not agree. So I had extra makings for the lasagna but my pan was full so I mixed the extras all up together and will eat it as a chip dip. Yes I will have real chips but I do have some onion bread that would be really good with it too so, no I am not going to go crazy on the chips, but it is nice like I said to be free. Today for lunch we had "tuna fish sandwiches" we used the left over non tuna and put it on the onion bread. It was wonderful. Again Kage did not agree. I think he is way done with this, but he did do good. He would have stuck with it all 30 days if I had not given them and easy out earlier on. Bryce had multiple pieces of onion bread. Tim told Kage when we were done he would take us out to a restaurant so that is a possibility. But what I know for sure is I have some cookies in my freezer made for me by one of my cubbies that I will definitely be having tomorrow:-)
One thing I really got to thinking about was making sure food does not become our god. It is so tricky because it can happen in so many different ways. We can over indulge or obsess on not over indulging. Of course you remember my "milk god". Also I think we can turn our convictions which are not wrong in themselves into gods if we put them before the priority we have to show love to others before ourselves. I did not get a chance to put this into practice in this 30 days but I was invited over to a friends house for dinner. (kids got sick so we could not go) however the invitation its self made me check my heart again. Was eating only raw to uphold my commitment of only raw for 30 days worth my rejecting food that was made out of love by my friend. No way. On the out side some may make jokes about it being a "good excuse"(to not eat raw) but truly if I reject something from a friend, a human, another person, I have no excuse. It is saying your food is not good enough for me today call me in 20 days. Yuck! And yet I think many of us do that very thing by putting our own thoughts, desires, feelings, opinions, sometimes convictions, as more important than people. Which we are commanded the opposite. I may have made that very mistake during this 30 days, and I am grateful to have such merciful friends. So many of my friends are very aware of how things affect others this is something I am seeing I need to become much more sensitive to.
I must say the thing I will miss the most is checking every day to see what acrostic Angie comes up with next. Wasn't yesterdays just amazingly perfect with the "worm"fitting together with the slimy onion rings. She is awesome.
I will probably not be on Amie Sue's web site up to 8 times a day any more either, but I will be checking it because she is always adding more amazing things. For anyone who is thinking of going raw I highly recommend sticking with Amie. My reason is because I have heard many freaky thought processes of people who claim to be Christians and yet are very confused of what God has to say about food. Amie is very knowledgeable and experienced in this type of food world but from what I can see she keeps it in its place.
Wow, remember on day one I did not have any of the tools to make most of these recipes, and now because of my friends I had more than I could have imagined to make this a great adventure. Thank you everybody.
One thing I really got to thinking about was making sure food does not become our god. It is so tricky because it can happen in so many different ways. We can over indulge or obsess on not over indulging. Of course you remember my "milk god". Also I think we can turn our convictions which are not wrong in themselves into gods if we put them before the priority we have to show love to others before ourselves. I did not get a chance to put this into practice in this 30 days but I was invited over to a friends house for dinner. (kids got sick so we could not go) however the invitation its self made me check my heart again. Was eating only raw to uphold my commitment of only raw for 30 days worth my rejecting food that was made out of love by my friend. No way. On the out side some may make jokes about it being a "good excuse"(to not eat raw) but truly if I reject something from a friend, a human, another person, I have no excuse. It is saying your food is not good enough for me today call me in 20 days. Yuck! And yet I think many of us do that very thing by putting our own thoughts, desires, feelings, opinions, sometimes convictions, as more important than people. Which we are commanded the opposite. I may have made that very mistake during this 30 days, and I am grateful to have such merciful friends. So many of my friends are very aware of how things affect others this is something I am seeing I need to become much more sensitive to.
I must say the thing I will miss the most is checking every day to see what acrostic Angie comes up with next. Wasn't yesterdays just amazingly perfect with the "worm"fitting together with the slimy onion rings. She is awesome.
I will probably not be on Amie Sue's web site up to 8 times a day any more either, but I will be checking it because she is always adding more amazing things. For anyone who is thinking of going raw I highly recommend sticking with Amie. My reason is because I have heard many freaky thought processes of people who claim to be Christians and yet are very confused of what God has to say about food. Amie is very knowledgeable and experienced in this type of food world but from what I can see she keeps it in its place.
Wow, remember on day one I did not have any of the tools to make most of these recipes, and now because of my friends I had more than I could have imagined to make this a great adventure. Thank you everybody.
Day 29
to the onions, so we pureed the rest adding 2 more onions and made onion bread, bar things.
Using the oven first method as we did for the crackers. (Doesn't this look like a concerned face?)

Mine and Kage's are on the left the fams is on the right. I was not jealous at all. I do not like regular onion rings because I don't like soft slimy onions which is what regular ones are like to me. Mine however were dehydrated to no slime. Yum Yum Yum. Bryce and I are the only ones who absolutely loved them, which was a o k for me:-)
Mine and Kage's are on the left the fams is on the right. I was not jealous at all. I do not like regular onion rings because I don't like soft slimy onions which is what regular ones are like to me. Mine however were dehydrated to no slime. Yum Yum Yum. Bryce and I are the only ones who absolutely loved them, which was a o k for me:-)
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
day 28

Does it feel like it has been almost 30 days? Well it has been up and down. Now that the end is here and I have not done everything I would like to try it does feel like it went by fast. Unfortunately for some things it takes me a while to mentally prepare to actually do it. Such is the case with the kabucha Tea. The start is still on my counter untouched and it takes a week to make so unfortunately you will not get to witness me trying it. Today I will be trying to make sweet and sour onion rings.
The cocoa puffs are good. They are one of the things I was unable to complete because they would fall through the holes on the dehydrator so I started it out on wax paper until I realized that was not working. So I put the cocoa puff stuff in a container in the fridge. We still eat it but it is not dehydrated. It is good but I think it would be great if it had the texture and crunch from being dehydrated.
I am thinking of seeing if anyone would be interested in coming over for a bunko party, around March, and I will serve my favorite raw foods. I wanted to have people over to try some of the food but food alone did not seem fun. Then I remembered how Angie has bunko party's of which they have a theme. So I thought we could have a raw food themed bunco party! I will have to talk to Angie first to figure out how it works. As far as how many people are needed, but the thought is out there and maybe you could let me know if you are interested.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Day 27
We did it! We did it! We did it, Hurray! (from Dora in case you don't have a 3 yr old girl at home) What did you do you ask? Kage and I ran the 5k today. Thanks to a wonderful friend who surprised us by showing up and giving us just the encouragement we needed to keep going. Thanks again Cora. Kage is certain his six pack is just a week away do to our 3.--- jog today. Actually I think he is right. Guess what else.... The crackers worked! I know I am using a lot of exclamation points today but my it is nice when things work out. So I left the cracker doe in the oven as I shared yesterday until midnight. The top of the doe firmed up a bit so I was able to cut them into squares and flip them over so the firm side was down and the doe was up and put them in the dehydrator. Oh my goodness. SOO good. I spread the wonderful spinach dip on them and it is way to good to be healthy. I have my almonds soaking tonight so we will have non tuna fish and crackers tomorrow.
This morning Kage surprised me by making a special breakfast for me. I found out later the reason the two boys kept sneaking down stairs last night was because they were hoping I would fall asleep and they could make my breakfast that night set it by me while I slept so I could awaken to my breakfast in the morning:-) Aren't they sweet. So even though I botched their plans by staying up until midnight and Bryce waking at 5:30am, Kage did not let it get him down. He took and apple, banana, "Cocoa Puffs", Cinnamon, and the secret ingredient, peanut butter chunk ice cream. Oh yes we topped it with raisins. It was really very good.
This morning Kage surprised me by making a special breakfast for me. I found out later the reason the two boys kept sneaking down stairs last night was because they were hoping I would fall asleep and they could make my breakfast that night set it by me while I slept so I could awaken to my breakfast in the morning:-) Aren't they sweet. So even though I botched their plans by staying up until midnight and Bryce waking at 5:30am, Kage did not let it get him down. He took and apple, banana, "Cocoa Puffs", Cinnamon, and the secret ingredient, peanut butter chunk ice cream. Oh yes we topped it with raisins. It was really very good.
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