Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 27

We did it! We did it! We did it, Hurray! (from Dora in case you don't have a 3 yr old girl at home) What did you do you ask? Kage and I ran the 5k today. Thanks to a wonderful friend who surprised us by showing up and giving us just the encouragement we needed to keep going. Thanks again Cora. Kage is certain his six pack is just a week away do to our 3.--- jog today. Actually I think he is right. Guess what else.... The crackers worked! I know I am using a lot of exclamation points today but my it is nice when things work out. So I left the cracker doe in the oven as I shared yesterday until midnight. The top of the doe firmed up a bit so I was able to cut them into squares and flip them over so the firm side was down and the doe was up and put them in the dehydrator. Oh my goodness. SOO good. I spread the wonderful spinach dip on them and it is way to good to be healthy. I have my almonds soaking tonight so we will have non tuna fish and crackers tomorrow.

This morning Kage surprised me by making a special breakfast for me. I found out later the reason the two boys kept sneaking down stairs last night was because they were hoping I would fall asleep and they could make my breakfast that night set it by me while I slept so I could awaken to my breakfast in the morning:-) Aren't they sweet. So even though I botched their plans by staying up until midnight and Bryce waking at 5:30am, Kage did not let it get him down. He took and apple, banana, "Cocoa Puffs", Cinnamon, and the secret ingredient, peanut butter chunk ice cream. Oh yes we topped it with raisins. It was really very good.


  1. Yea! Woo-Hoo!!! Good for you guys!!!!!!!!!! And...Do you realize you only have 3 more days of soley eating raw foods? I actually think it went prettty fast...of course I'm not eating or making any of it :)
    Acrostic for the day:
    Resplendent &

  2. I was soooo proud of Kage for sticking with it. Even when it was tough, he pressed through! You guys both did awesome! I loved watching Kage's stride lengthen at the checkpoint: I think he was proud of the fact he was surprising me by keeping going when he had thought about giving up!

  3. Great job Lana! What recipe did you use for the crackers? I would love to know. What did you all think of the "coco puffs"? I agree with Angie, it seems like the past month has really slipped by us.
