Monday, January 24, 2011

The Idea

So, The idea started on January 23, 2011 at about 8:00pm as I was upstairs putting my 5 chickadees to bed. I started telling them about this web site that my friend has about raw food. My kids and I ,especially the older two, love healthy fun stuff. I told them I wanted to try the recipes from this site and eat nothing else for 30 days. This reminded my son about the McDonald's experiment, a documentary titled "Super Size Me". The man in this film performed an experiment were if McDonald's did not sale it, he did not ingest it. So we decided to do the same only opposite because we will be filling our selves with healthy food! This idea of following the recipes of my friend also reminded me of the movie of which a lady blogs about her experience as she ventures to try and make every recipe from the book in a year, I can not remember the name of the movie but this is where the idea to blog our experience came in.

The Rules:

I will not eat anything that is not raw for 30 days.

I will attempt to follow the recipes on my friends web site to the best of my ability.

My older two children will only eat raw food for 30 days except at dinner they will share the meal I make for their Dad along with what I am having. (I do not want to take meat out of their growing bodies)

My younger three will have at least one bite of every thing I make.

What Should I expect to see on this blog?

Well, we will share the food we ate that day, and I will let you know how we each liked it.

I will introduce my children to you to see which ages accepted which foods.

I will also keep you updated on how we, feel and how our bodies are affected by this way of eating.

To get a good picture of the changes that occur I will tell you a little about our current situation so you can enjoy the changes with us.

I can not promise that we will stick to the subject since in my typical female mind "everything is related to every thing" as is humorously explained in a clip on UTube called " a tale with two brains" which I highly recommend you watch if you are in the mood to laugh. Any way If I go on a long trail away from the topic at hand I will change the font. That way if you are only interested in the 30 day raw food experience you can easily see the info you want and don't want.

About us now:

I just turned 30 this month! my goal was to be the best I could be (physically) by the time I was 30. Well I way did not make that. But instead of getting discouraged God placed hope and encouragement in my life. So here we are.

I am 5'1 154 lbs. I am a sucker for before and after pictures so I will do that myself for you.

Also, many of the foods I will be eating this month are great for skin so I will let you know how that goes also. I have never gotten over the adolescent stage of my skin. ( much hope!) I am so excited to see the after:-)

I am on again off again when it comes to exercise. as of now it has been on again because my 8 year old son and I have been training to do our first 5k race on Feb 20. Also my son and I try to do our morning work outs together. The workout is from a poster that came with his jump rope he got in his stocking.

So, as we change the way we eat we will continue in the same physical exercises we normally would.

My kids:

My oldest is ten years old. Her nick name is Turny. She is naturally slender, but is not much into exercise. She has the ability to be served a hot fudge Sunday and leave over half of it if she gets full! This is something that amazes me and makes me grateful to God for her sake.

My oldest boy is K.G. He is 8. He is the only one of my kids that is thicker in nature. He is definitely my son because he is the one that will lick the plate clean and finish everyone elses plate for them. (we don't want to waist) I had some concern for this at first but we together have been learning about self control where food is concerned. He is also my huge exerciser so I soon realized at least for now I do not need to have concern for this issue. His mane goal is to get a six pack.

We now have Sethy. He is six and enjoys the benefit of being the middle child. He can be considered an older child at times and a younger child at other times so he gets the best of both worlds. Again this is an answered prayer from all the dooms day stories I here from other middle children. He is exercising this right of middledome in this experience:-) He is skin and bone but eats and eats and eats.

Airionna (princess) and Bryce are last.

She is 3 and follows the old poem to a T. When she is good she is very very good and when she is bad she is HORRID! how much joy she brings us though for even when she is horrid she is adorable. She does not like any food. Bryce is 1.5 years and learning to potty train. He is what we think about when we try to get out of our personal funks because just thinking of him makes you smile. He will eat every thing in sight one day and then eat nothing for 3 days.

Well that is us in a nut shell. I hope you have fun and maybe you could even join us on a similar journey of your own.

Today we will be going to the store and stocking up on all the foods we will need. On the web site she talks about things I have never heard of before. She mentioned that some foods are not found in regular stores. Do to our specific situation at the moment I am limited to regular stores, Wall-Mart, Fredmeyers, Thunderbird etc. so we may have to find substitutions. But we will keep it raw.

We also do not yet have a dehydrator or juicer which she mentions often so acquiring this things will be part of the journey.

Well we are off see you soon!

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