Thursday, February 24, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Day 30!
It is over! Actually I have been having a lot of fun. And I will continue eating much of the things I have tried. I will definitely be getting a dehydrator of my own. But I must say it will be so nice not to HAVE to eat raw. Terrina will be taking my final picture in the morning, but I will right my summary tonight. So on day one the things I was wondering about were energy, skin, and weight. Honestly I can not say that I have noticed a change in either my energy or my skin. As far as weight goes I definitely feel like I took off my chubby suit and I feel human again. I still have a way to go but this jump started me in the right direction. Some may role their eyes at me but that is OK, I think I might do a 2 week raw food diet once a year. I am thinking every year after my birthday which is right after new Year, which is right after Christmas, which is right after Rina's birthday, Thanks Giving, and every other child's birthday before that. I do not want to be a fuddy duddy and be "dieting" around fun times so I think this is a good plan to get me back into balance after... every thing. We will see how life goes. Everyone keeps asking, what is the first thing I will eat tomorrow. I had know idea until I stopped at the store for snacks for my cubbies tonight. I grabbed a bag of chips and some carbonated water which I plan to eat for lunch tomorrow with my left overs from tonight. Tonight for my last meal I made "Living Lasagna" again. I just had to. I wondered if it was really as good as I remembered or maybe I had just built it up in my head talking about how good it was. Nope it is just a good! Sooo good. Kage did not agree. So I had extra makings for the lasagna but my pan was full so I mixed the extras all up together and will eat it as a chip dip. Yes I will have real chips but I do have some onion bread that would be really good with it too so, no I am not going to go crazy on the chips, but it is nice like I said to be free. Today for lunch we had "tuna fish sandwiches" we used the left over non tuna and put it on the onion bread. It was wonderful. Again Kage did not agree. I think he is way done with this, but he did do good. He would have stuck with it all 30 days if I had not given them and easy out earlier on. Bryce had multiple pieces of onion bread. Tim told Kage when we were done he would take us out to a restaurant so that is a possibility. But what I know for sure is I have some cookies in my freezer made for me by one of my cubbies that I will definitely be having tomorrow:-)
One thing I really got to thinking about was making sure food does not become our god. It is so tricky because it can happen in so many different ways. We can over indulge or obsess on not over indulging. Of course you remember my "milk god". Also I think we can turn our convictions which are not wrong in themselves into gods if we put them before the priority we have to show love to others before ourselves. I did not get a chance to put this into practice in this 30 days but I was invited over to a friends house for dinner. (kids got sick so we could not go) however the invitation its self made me check my heart again. Was eating only raw to uphold my commitment of only raw for 30 days worth my rejecting food that was made out of love by my friend. No way. On the out side some may make jokes about it being a "good excuse"(to not eat raw) but truly if I reject something from a friend, a human, another person, I have no excuse. It is saying your food is not good enough for me today call me in 20 days. Yuck! And yet I think many of us do that very thing by putting our own thoughts, desires, feelings, opinions, sometimes convictions, as more important than people. Which we are commanded the opposite. I may have made that very mistake during this 30 days, and I am grateful to have such merciful friends. So many of my friends are very aware of how things affect others this is something I am seeing I need to become much more sensitive to.
I must say the thing I will miss the most is checking every day to see what acrostic Angie comes up with next. Wasn't yesterdays just amazingly perfect with the "worm"fitting together with the slimy onion rings. She is awesome.
I will probably not be on Amie Sue's web site up to 8 times a day any more either, but I will be checking it because she is always adding more amazing things. For anyone who is thinking of going raw I highly recommend sticking with Amie. My reason is because I have heard many freaky thought processes of people who claim to be Christians and yet are very confused of what God has to say about food. Amie is very knowledgeable and experienced in this type of food world but from what I can see she keeps it in its place.
Wow, remember on day one I did not have any of the tools to make most of these recipes, and now because of my friends I had more than I could have imagined to make this a great adventure. Thank you everybody.
One thing I really got to thinking about was making sure food does not become our god. It is so tricky because it can happen in so many different ways. We can over indulge or obsess on not over indulging. Of course you remember my "milk god". Also I think we can turn our convictions which are not wrong in themselves into gods if we put them before the priority we have to show love to others before ourselves. I did not get a chance to put this into practice in this 30 days but I was invited over to a friends house for dinner. (kids got sick so we could not go) however the invitation its self made me check my heart again. Was eating only raw to uphold my commitment of only raw for 30 days worth my rejecting food that was made out of love by my friend. No way. On the out side some may make jokes about it being a "good excuse"(to not eat raw) but truly if I reject something from a friend, a human, another person, I have no excuse. It is saying your food is not good enough for me today call me in 20 days. Yuck! And yet I think many of us do that very thing by putting our own thoughts, desires, feelings, opinions, sometimes convictions, as more important than people. Which we are commanded the opposite. I may have made that very mistake during this 30 days, and I am grateful to have such merciful friends. So many of my friends are very aware of how things affect others this is something I am seeing I need to become much more sensitive to.
I must say the thing I will miss the most is checking every day to see what acrostic Angie comes up with next. Wasn't yesterdays just amazingly perfect with the "worm"fitting together with the slimy onion rings. She is awesome.
I will probably not be on Amie Sue's web site up to 8 times a day any more either, but I will be checking it because she is always adding more amazing things. For anyone who is thinking of going raw I highly recommend sticking with Amie. My reason is because I have heard many freaky thought processes of people who claim to be Christians and yet are very confused of what God has to say about food. Amie is very knowledgeable and experienced in this type of food world but from what I can see she keeps it in its place.
Wow, remember on day one I did not have any of the tools to make most of these recipes, and now because of my friends I had more than I could have imagined to make this a great adventure. Thank you everybody.
Day 29
to the onions, so we pureed the rest adding 2 more onions and made onion bread, bar things.
Using the oven first method as we did for the crackers. (Doesn't this look like a concerned face?)

Mine and Kage's are on the left the fams is on the right. I was not jealous at all. I do not like regular onion rings because I don't like soft slimy onions which is what regular ones are like to me. Mine however were dehydrated to no slime. Yum Yum Yum. Bryce and I are the only ones who absolutely loved them, which was a o k for me:-)
Mine and Kage's are on the left the fams is on the right. I was not jealous at all. I do not like regular onion rings because I don't like soft slimy onions which is what regular ones are like to me. Mine however were dehydrated to no slime. Yum Yum Yum. Bryce and I are the only ones who absolutely loved them, which was a o k for me:-)
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
day 28

Does it feel like it has been almost 30 days? Well it has been up and down. Now that the end is here and I have not done everything I would like to try it does feel like it went by fast. Unfortunately for some things it takes me a while to mentally prepare to actually do it. Such is the case with the kabucha Tea. The start is still on my counter untouched and it takes a week to make so unfortunately you will not get to witness me trying it. Today I will be trying to make sweet and sour onion rings.
The cocoa puffs are good. They are one of the things I was unable to complete because they would fall through the holes on the dehydrator so I started it out on wax paper until I realized that was not working. So I put the cocoa puff stuff in a container in the fridge. We still eat it but it is not dehydrated. It is good but I think it would be great if it had the texture and crunch from being dehydrated.
I am thinking of seeing if anyone would be interested in coming over for a bunko party, around March, and I will serve my favorite raw foods. I wanted to have people over to try some of the food but food alone did not seem fun. Then I remembered how Angie has bunko party's of which they have a theme. So I thought we could have a raw food themed bunco party! I will have to talk to Angie first to figure out how it works. As far as how many people are needed, but the thought is out there and maybe you could let me know if you are interested.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Day 27
We did it! We did it! We did it, Hurray! (from Dora in case you don't have a 3 yr old girl at home) What did you do you ask? Kage and I ran the 5k today. Thanks to a wonderful friend who surprised us by showing up and giving us just the encouragement we needed to keep going. Thanks again Cora. Kage is certain his six pack is just a week away do to our 3.--- jog today. Actually I think he is right. Guess what else.... The crackers worked! I know I am using a lot of exclamation points today but my it is nice when things work out. So I left the cracker doe in the oven as I shared yesterday until midnight. The top of the doe firmed up a bit so I was able to cut them into squares and flip them over so the firm side was down and the doe was up and put them in the dehydrator. Oh my goodness. SOO good. I spread the wonderful spinach dip on them and it is way to good to be healthy. I have my almonds soaking tonight so we will have non tuna fish and crackers tomorrow.
This morning Kage surprised me by making a special breakfast for me. I found out later the reason the two boys kept sneaking down stairs last night was because they were hoping I would fall asleep and they could make my breakfast that night set it by me while I slept so I could awaken to my breakfast in the morning:-) Aren't they sweet. So even though I botched their plans by staying up until midnight and Bryce waking at 5:30am, Kage did not let it get him down. He took and apple, banana, "Cocoa Puffs", Cinnamon, and the secret ingredient, peanut butter chunk ice cream. Oh yes we topped it with raisins. It was really very good.
This morning Kage surprised me by making a special breakfast for me. I found out later the reason the two boys kept sneaking down stairs last night was because they were hoping I would fall asleep and they could make my breakfast that night set it by me while I slept so I could awaken to my breakfast in the morning:-) Aren't they sweet. So even though I botched their plans by staying up until midnight and Bryce waking at 5:30am, Kage did not let it get him down. He took and apple, banana, "Cocoa Puffs", Cinnamon, and the secret ingredient, peanut butter chunk ice cream. Oh yes we topped it with raisins. It was really very good.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
day 26
Thank you for your comments. As long as you are not rolling your eyes as you read thinking I am a twitterer then I am good with it"-) Kage and I feel fine now. Oh yes Kage also woke up sick. Since we share the same food intake it must have had to do with the cauliflower? We are on for tomorrow though. (5k)It is snowy and cold which is how the weather was when we first started training so it will not slow us down any. I bought several things today that I do not know what are! Yippee! Bok choy, collard greens, and kale. I figured now is the time to try these things that under any other situation I would NOT. I also got kelp powder for the tuna recipe. Well kind of I got the pill so I can just open them and dump, right Amie? So I may fail again but I just had to try to make the veggie crackers again. I spread the doe out on a tin sheet and put it in the oven on the lowest temp with the door open. Will this work? Tim says no. With my track record the mathematical equation for probability says he is most likely right. But probability is not forsurly, which we just learned in Terrina's math lesson, so I am attempting it any way.
We had spinache dip tonight which Bryce loved. He kept dipping his french fries in it and licking off the dip not eating the fry at all.
day 25
I have a major upset stomach today. Please pray it goes away fast because Kage and I have the 5k to jog tomorrow.
Per Kages request we had porridge for breakfast, and cauliflower popcorn for dinner. Well we had a strawberry spinach salad with some popcorn on top as if they were croutons. We are doing fine with this diet now, in fact Kage says he wishes it was longer, weirdo. However the blogging part I think I am done with. I just don't have much to share. I feel silly because I am not able to do anything new so I don't think this is serving any purpose any more. Oh well 5 days left, I'll see ya tomorrow.
Per Kages request we had porridge for breakfast, and cauliflower popcorn for dinner. Well we had a strawberry spinach salad with some popcorn on top as if they were croutons. We are doing fine with this diet now, in fact Kage says he wishes it was longer, weirdo. However the blogging part I think I am done with. I just don't have much to share. I feel silly because I am not able to do anything new so I don't think this is serving any purpose any more. Oh well 5 days left, I'll see ya tomorrow.
Friday, February 18, 2011
day 24
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Day 23
Kage is back!
Terrina bet him, and teased him, most of all challenged him to get back on. Only the stipulation is that he does ALL meals with me, and can not get off again, he is locked in. I am more confident now that the food we are eating is sufficient, especialy for him. Terrina and Seth would just starve themselves when they don't like it but Kage was made for war:-)
I was so excited with the things I was making yesterday, banana crepes, "cocoa puffs" with the sprouted Quinoa grain, and I was most excited about the veggie crackers!
I do not have the plastic pieces to put on the dehydrator trays but a friend told me I could use wax paper. Not a good Idea. The paper does not allow the air to move through and makes the bottom too hot. The bananas were on the bottom so they got dry but the wax paper completely stuck to the banana. So all of that food is gone! Ugh.... Guess what I am looking for at Wall-Mart for today, the correct pieces to lay on the dehydrator trays. You would think I would learn wouldn't you?
Kage and I had "spaghetti" for dinner. Actually it is called Cherry Tomato Marinara Sauce, from the Nouveauraw web site. It was pretty good but after having the lasagna it just gave me the craving to have that again:)
Dayle brought me the kombucha tea starter. EWW! But now is the time to try anything. You actually float this large slimy looking fungus in your bowl of tea as it eats sugar and grows more layers. It takes several days to make a batch so I need to get started right away.
Terrina bet him, and teased him, most of all challenged him to get back on. Only the stipulation is that he does ALL meals with me, and can not get off again, he is locked in. I am more confident now that the food we are eating is sufficient, especialy for him. Terrina and Seth would just starve themselves when they don't like it but Kage was made for war:-)
I was so excited with the things I was making yesterday, banana crepes, "cocoa puffs" with the sprouted Quinoa grain, and I was most excited about the veggie crackers!
I do not have the plastic pieces to put on the dehydrator trays but a friend told me I could use wax paper. Not a good Idea. The paper does not allow the air to move through and makes the bottom too hot. The bananas were on the bottom so they got dry but the wax paper completely stuck to the banana. So all of that food is gone! Ugh.... Guess what I am looking for at Wall-Mart for today, the correct pieces to lay on the dehydrator trays. You would think I would learn wouldn't you?
Kage and I had "spaghetti" for dinner. Actually it is called Cherry Tomato Marinara Sauce, from the Nouveauraw web site. It was pretty good but after having the lasagna it just gave me the craving to have that again:)
Dayle brought me the kombucha tea starter. EWW! But now is the time to try anything. You actually float this large slimy looking fungus in your bowl of tea as it eats sugar and grows more layers. It takes several days to make a batch so I need to get started right away.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Day 22
I started the sprouting process! Kage says he now wishes he did not stop the RAW food. Yah right for this second maybe:-) He is so fickle. Terrina is already forgetting to appreciate cooked food. "it is just too dry today". I offered her to eat mine instead of her left over enchiladas. She ate the enchiladas up pretty quick:-) I'm going to try the veggie flax crackers and the non tuna next. Dayle is bringing me a Kombusha tea starter today. Which is really tomorrow because I am righting this post the morning after the 22 day but it all works out
Monday, February 14, 2011
Day 21
I'm pretty bummed tonight. I weighed in this morning as 146. That is up 3lbs from last week. I guess that is the down side to finding food I actually like. It must be the almond milk:-) Oh well. Still better than when I started three weeks ago. This is where I get to check if I am eating to glorify God or myself. If it is for God I will be content with where I am still striving forward. If it is for me, I will be sad, discouraged, feel defeated... Well as I shared I am bummed but I do not think it is overtaking me. And I am ready to keep moving forward. In the past I had decided that if I drank non fat milk along with other things that would be the key to my healthy living. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that decision. However when I got to Wall-Mart and saw they had no non fat milk, I totally freaked out inside myself. I was agree and asking the Wall-Mart people in my head "how in the world am I supposed to stay healthy now, this is ridiculous!" Well before I got to the next isle I realized who was the ridiculous one. It reveled to me that I had taken a good thing like non fat milk and made it my god. So with that history it is important to me that things happen that allow me to check my heart and attitude.
I had forgotten I actually had plans today in the morning and after noon, so I did not get anything accomplished as far as food goes. I just ate fruit and left overs all day so not much fun stuff.
I had forgotten I actually had plans today in the morning and after noon, so I did not get anything accomplished as far as food goes. I just ate fruit and left overs all day so not much fun stuff.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Day 20
Only 10 more days left and still so much to try!
So I found out today I have totally cheated with the Almond milk. I am sorry. For some reason I get in my head I don't want to do something for no particular reason and this time it was I did not want to make almond milk. I did not think they would roast almonds before turning it into milk but any way I will move on from here and go ahead and make my own.
I also still have to sprout stuff. Which just sounds so foreign to me so I have not yet done it, even though a friend has brought me the seeds to use. So I will start on that tomorrow. The other thing I need to try is green juice. Along with so many other recipes I want to try like the crackers, and non tuna. As far as the ice creams go there is no rush, because I will continue to make those forever.
We went out to lunch again today. It was not half as torturous as last time because we went with some friends after church. I was able to talk a lot more since I ate so much less than usual. In fact I may have talked too much:-)
So I found out today I have totally cheated with the Almond milk. I am sorry. For some reason I get in my head I don't want to do something for no particular reason and this time it was I did not want to make almond milk. I did not think they would roast almonds before turning it into milk but any way I will move on from here and go ahead and make my own.
I also still have to sprout stuff. Which just sounds so foreign to me so I have not yet done it, even though a friend has brought me the seeds to use. So I will start on that tomorrow. The other thing I need to try is green juice. Along with so many other recipes I want to try like the crackers, and non tuna. As far as the ice creams go there is no rush, because I will continue to make those forever.
We went out to lunch again today. It was not half as torturous as last time because we went with some friends after church. I was able to talk a lot more since I ate so much less than usual. In fact I may have talked too much:-)
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Day 19

I finished off the left overs of the "living Lasagna" for lunch today:-( I went and got more tomatoes today so I can make it again. Those that know me well know I could eat the same thing every day every meal and be perfectly happy. This has its pros and cons. A con for this challenge is I would not find out what else I like from Amie's web site and you would get even more bored. So I will not rush off and make the lasagna right away but I do have every thing I need just in case I really need to be sure I will like something that day. I also made 3 heads of cauliflower tonight, so some will be stored away for the next movie night. I remade Amie Sue's "humus" recipe with out the sun dried tomatoes. ( oh yes, I also left them out of the lasagna recipe) For dinner I had half an avocado with some humus and corn from the cob, which I retried when two friends assured me it should be good. It really was good, the corn that is, I know I am talking in circles tonight. Any way It was really good. I thought salt might be good to add but I did not want to go in the kitchen and get it. The kids were eating rice with soy sauce, so I added that (soy sauce) to my dinner I know I am strange but it was really good.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Day 18
RAW Chocolate ice cream with peanut butter dough. Yum! It was too good. But less of it satisfied me than a whole carton of Ben and Jerry's. It was very simple to make and Delicious.
I really have not much more exciting news for today, so I will check in again tomorrow.
I really have not much more exciting news for today, so I will check in again tomorrow.
Day 17
I am the lucky one tonight! I took a picture of the fams food and mine because tonight mine looks better:-) The picture does not do it justice, it was beautiful. And Delicious. I know many saw this on the web site and thought "it sure looks good, but can it actually taste good?" Well wonder know more you definitely must make this. I thought making the cheese would be a head ache and as I was peeling every almond I thought there is no way I am doing this again it takes to much time. That was before I new what it would taste like. From then on it was a piece of cake to make the cheese, soo easy. Before I put it together I tasted each layer and on their own they were good. Together, wonderful. This is the first time since I started that from the first bite to the last I enjoyed what I was eating. Are you getting the point yet:-) Just in case you are still not convinced I made a mini lasagna for my friend who has been on a RAW diet for health reasons for five months. She called and left a message saying "It was unbelievably wonderful. I am going to make it myself." I will finish the topic with WOW!
We also have more "popcorn" making. A couple of friends are excited to try this too. I will let you know what they think.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Day 16
There are new pics on the before and after page. They do look identical except for the odd way the pictures keep getting darker as we add a new one, not sure what that is about. So I started at 154 and am now at 143. I can't complain about that.
OK so I did not have to wait until day 30 for something to go perfectly! The cauliflower "popcorn" from Amie Sue's site is FABULOUS! It is so full of flavor and we ate it right of the dehydrator so it was Warm. I would totally choose this over popcorn. ALL the kids loved it. Airionna and Bryce were like little birds asking for more.
I also tried the humus from the web site. The texture was perfect and I am huge on texture. But next time I will not add the sun dried tomatoes. I knew I didn't like them alone but I thought ground up and mixed in they would add flavor, which they did but I still did not like them. I will try this again with out the tomatoes.
Well my "cheese" is fermenting so I will see in the morning if that worked, and if so Lasagna tomorrow!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
day 15
So I got confused on my math, I was supposed to do the pics this yesterday. "oi vay" I am getting myself confused. Oh well. I am a day farther than I thought. And the pictures I don't suspect will look much different, but I will do them any way cause I said I would:-)
OK so things again did not go as planned but life still goes on. My plan was to make "Living Lasagna" from the Nouveau Raw web site. It all looked doable until I got to the almond cheese which takes up to 12 hours to make. So I will try to make the cheese tomorrow and the lasagna the next day.
This put I wrinkle in all of dinner because I was going to serve cooked lasagna to the fam on the same night. So I had to change thought. The fam had enchiladas, and I had soup.
No it was not a recipe again but it turned out pretty good. I have not found the coconuts I need to make the corn soup in the web site but I wanted some soup. Sooo I took and avocado, and mixed it with the juice from a red bell pepper, garlic, pepper, nutritional yeast, onion powder, and mixed. Then I added some corn from the cob. The soup part was really good. But the corn ummm not the best. The first crunch of the corn was really good and sweet but the skin was pretty thick. I ended up straining the corn back out and just eating the soupy part. I had each child take a bite. Airionna immediately gave a horrid face, Terrina said hmm I'm not sure, Seth said "nope not good", Kage said "needs pepper, and I'm not even a pepper guy". We added more pepper and each said mmm good. However Kage was the only one who asked for a couple more bites.
To initiate the dehydrator my lovely friend is letting me borrow I am making Cauliflower Popcorn from the web site which is what we attempted to do in our home made dehydrator that just turned into worm food. But, the little tiny pieces that I took a bite of before that point were m m good. So I am very eager to have them done correctly.
Maybe by day 30 I will get something perfect:-)
Day 14
More of the same with food today. Do to some concerns Terrina and Kage have been let off the hook:-) They celebrated with some popcorn for movie night. "The Count of Monte Cristo" We will finish it tonight.
The concerns were that they may not be getting a good enough variety of foods. Don't worry all is well and they have not lost any weight on this venture. They did not have any to loose. (Or God is just protecting them from my insanity) I would assume they will be willing to taste my new foods though and I can still share with you which ones they like or dislike. I am adding my vitamins back in to my diet also. Just to be sure. I have no desire in researching what food has what compared to what my body needs so I will just do my best and use a vitamin to hopefully fill in where I need more.
So yahoo the 8Th is here and I can go shopping. Back to the fun part of trying out the recipes from Amie Sue's web site. Oh, and guess what. A friend of mine who had started reading the blog at the beginning but has not been on again was asking how the dehydrator worked. I told her it was very good at rotting food. She offered to let me use hers for the rest of the time I think 16days. What a great mid way blessing. So now I can try all those other recipes and maybe eat something WARM:-) This is just the boost I needed!
I will weigh in and add pictures to the before and after tomorrow morning, that way I will have had a full fourteen days before I check in again.
Thank you so much to everyone, even though I might sound fussy at times I am enjoying this adventure.
The concerns were that they may not be getting a good enough variety of foods. Don't worry all is well and they have not lost any weight on this venture. They did not have any to loose. (Or God is just protecting them from my insanity) I would assume they will be willing to taste my new foods though and I can still share with you which ones they like or dislike. I am adding my vitamins back in to my diet also. Just to be sure. I have no desire in researching what food has what compared to what my body needs so I will just do my best and use a vitamin to hopefully fill in where I need more.
So yahoo the 8Th is here and I can go shopping. Back to the fun part of trying out the recipes from Amie Sue's web site. Oh, and guess what. A friend of mine who had started reading the blog at the beginning but has not been on again was asking how the dehydrator worked. I told her it was very good at rotting food. She offered to let me use hers for the rest of the time I think 16days. What a great mid way blessing. So now I can try all those other recipes and maybe eat something WARM:-) This is just the boost I needed!
I will weigh in and add pictures to the before and after tomorrow morning, that way I will have had a full fourteen days before I check in again.
Thank you so much to everyone, even though I might sound fussy at times I am enjoying this adventure.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
day 13
So It has got to be getting boring hearing what we eat every day. But it is working for me so I will keep telling you :-)
Breakfast we had fresh orange juice mixed with purreed banana, some honey and some vanila.
For lunch I had nuts and dried fruit
The kids helped get rid of some of the cooked left overs that are building up.
Dinner I had an orange and some almonds.
We go grocery shopping on the 8th as I said so we are getting thin on options. Cooked food we have plenty of though so I think Terrina and Kage are going to have to sacrifice themselves for three lunches as well as dinners. We could probably find enough RAW for us all but we have so much left overs and I can not throw away perfectly good food when I have plenty of stomaches willing to dispose of it.
Breakfast we had fresh orange juice mixed with purreed banana, some honey and some vanila.
For lunch I had nuts and dried fruit
The kids helped get rid of some of the cooked left overs that are building up.
Dinner I had an orange and some almonds.
We go grocery shopping on the 8th as I said so we are getting thin on options. Cooked food we have plenty of though so I think Terrina and Kage are going to have to sacrifice themselves for three lunches as well as dinners. We could probably find enough RAW for us all but we have so much left overs and I can not throw away perfectly good food when I have plenty of stomaches willing to dispose of it.
Day 12
Kage made his own porridge today. He did not share either:-) So Terrina and I had bananas.
Lunch was nuts and dried fruit.
Kage and I went jogging for the first time in forever since we have been sick. We have a lot of work to do to be able to complete the 5k. We jogged about 2 miles but then we chased each other up and down the football field playing foot ball with a water bottle. It was very fun but I was wiped out. 5k is a little over 3 miles. We have not ever ran that yet. I still have a cold so I am hoping when that goes away we will have enough energy to make it. The race is on the 20Th.
I know that has nothing to do with our 30 days of RAW, but I am running out of things to say since we have not tried any new recipes.
Tim took us out to Sizzlers for dinner last night. TORTURE! I had a spinach salad and an orange. I watched everyone else have my favorite toast in the world, french fries, and the best cookies and cream moose ever. Oh well, I did not have to make dinner or do dishes. YIPPEE!
I am loving Angie's acrostics! I can not wait to see what she comes up with every day.
Lunch was nuts and dried fruit.
Kage and I went jogging for the first time in forever since we have been sick. We have a lot of work to do to be able to complete the 5k. We jogged about 2 miles but then we chased each other up and down the football field playing foot ball with a water bottle. It was very fun but I was wiped out. 5k is a little over 3 miles. We have not ever ran that yet. I still have a cold so I am hoping when that goes away we will have enough energy to make it. The race is on the 20Th.
I know that has nothing to do with our 30 days of RAW, but I am running out of things to say since we have not tried any new recipes.
Tim took us out to Sizzlers for dinner last night. TORTURE! I had a spinach salad and an orange. I watched everyone else have my favorite toast in the world, french fries, and the best cookies and cream moose ever. Oh well, I did not have to make dinner or do dishes. YIPPEE!
I am loving Angie's acrostics! I can not wait to see what she comes up with every day.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Day 11
I am feeling much better now. Thankfully the headache did not last.
Poor Terrina has it the worst now and she was supposed to go to a party Saturday:-( She was especially eager to get away from RAW for the day. We are still hoping she will waken much better and get to go.
Kage and I had chia porridge again today. Yum! Cinnamon is great in it and I hear having Cinnamon everyday guards against diabetes, I think is what it was. Terrina had a banana.
For lunch we had some water melon. Do to not feeling well we were not to hungry. Kage does not like water melon so he had an apple.
I had the last of my spinach dip for dinner. Again on top of spinach. I think this could replace ranch for me. Dip my pizza, chicken strips, hamburgers... oh I can not tell a lie I do still dream of cooked food. However this diet is showing me how little we actually need to eat. So I do believe my portion sizes will go down drastically. I had a dream the other night I popped a cracker in my mouth without thinking about it and I woke wondering if it were true. Thankfully not.
My biggest struggle now is being content. I want to see a smaller number on the scale every day. Which the first week I got but of course that can not last all 30 days. It really causes me to check my heart motives. I do not want food or body weight to become my idle. It seems it is like a tight rope for me my whole life I either over indulge or obsess on not over indulging. I think the issue is contentment. It is a struggle to keep my focus on God and doing everything for His glory and not my own.
Poor Terrina has it the worst now and she was supposed to go to a party Saturday:-( She was especially eager to get away from RAW for the day. We are still hoping she will waken much better and get to go.
Kage and I had chia porridge again today. Yum! Cinnamon is great in it and I hear having Cinnamon everyday guards against diabetes, I think is what it was. Terrina had a banana.
For lunch we had some water melon. Do to not feeling well we were not to hungry. Kage does not like water melon so he had an apple.
I had the last of my spinach dip for dinner. Again on top of spinach. I think this could replace ranch for me. Dip my pizza, chicken strips, hamburgers... oh I can not tell a lie I do still dream of cooked food. However this diet is showing me how little we actually need to eat. So I do believe my portion sizes will go down drastically. I had a dream the other night I popped a cracker in my mouth without thinking about it and I woke wondering if it were true. Thankfully not.
My biggest struggle now is being content. I want to see a smaller number on the scale every day. Which the first week I got but of course that can not last all 30 days. It really causes me to check my heart motives. I do not want food or body weight to become my idle. It seems it is like a tight rope for me my whole life I either over indulge or obsess on not over indulging. I think the issue is contentment. It is a struggle to keep my focus on God and doing everything for His glory and not my own.
Short and sweet today for we are sick.
Orange infused bars and milk for breakfast
carrots and pb for lunch
best spinach dip in the world on top of spinach for dinner.
Orange infused bars and milk for breakfast
carrots and pb for lunch
best spinach dip in the world on top of spinach for dinner.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
day 9
So I abided by a recipe for the juice this morning, and I am still the only one who drank it. We had apple and carrot juice, then I also made orange juice. Terrina and Kage both said it was fabulous the first drink and then neither finished it. I am pretty sure it is the texture that is bothering them. The juice is thicker than usual. I suppose I could try adding water but that seems like it would ruin perfection. It is hard to tell with Kage because he is still sick. He has not eaten much of anything cooked or not since Saturday.
For lunch the kids had carrots and peanut butter. I finished every ones juice and had some nuts.
We had awana tonight so just heated up some burritos for everyone else and I had a banana and some wall nuts with dried cranberries. Wednesdays I don't have much time to sit down ant eat, so fruit and nuts is a great alternative to chips and whatever else I usually grab at which right now I can not think of.
Terrina is begging me to make some more of the orange infused bars we put in the freezer. I think I will try another sweet thing tomorrow.
Today is the most relaxed towards the food that I have felt so far. I did not worry about what was were having next, we just did. It was nice. I don't enjoy putting so much focus on food but I think like everything else it will soon just be normal.
For lunch the kids had carrots and peanut butter. I finished every ones juice and had some nuts.
We had awana tonight so just heated up some burritos for everyone else and I had a banana and some wall nuts with dried cranberries. Wednesdays I don't have much time to sit down ant eat, so fruit and nuts is a great alternative to chips and whatever else I usually grab at which right now I can not think of.
Terrina is begging me to make some more of the orange infused bars we put in the freezer. I think I will try another sweet thing tomorrow.
Today is the most relaxed towards the food that I have felt so far. I did not worry about what was were having next, we just did. It was nice. I don't enjoy putting so much focus on food but I think like everything else it will soon just be normal.
Day 8
Another success! We tried the mango banana pudding from the web site and everyone loved it. Bryce finished off mine and Terrinas. However he would not even try it until I had him lick the white spoon first.
Remember on the first day I told you I love before and after pictures and so I would have them on here for you? Well I am not patient enough to wait until all the way after so If you like to look at gross things, with much warning you can see some pictures on the before and after page which is on the left hand side of the blog. I will post a new picture every 7 days. With my new weight listed under the picture.
Lunch was also great we had the spinach dip with carrots. Yum. Kage and I loved it, Seth ate it with us, Terrina thought it was too spicy. But oh my this was good. All the dips have soaked cashews as a base. The other ones I think the other flavors take over too much but this one was flavorful without being overwhelming.
For dinner I put the left over red bell pepper dip on some spinach along with some pine nuts.
I made Turkey dinner for the fam. I didn't mind missing out on turkey, it is not my favorite anyway and although I love mashed potatoes that was not so bad either, but what I really yearned for was the stuffing. My mischievous daughter was trying to tempt me to eat just one bite. She was willing to take the blame and have me tell you all she forced it down me, it was not my fault. lol what a Turkey, I believe her motive may be that if I don't follow through she will have more grounds to end early. Just a suspicion:-)
Oh, how could I forget, my friend brought raw milk over for us so for the first time in a week I was able to glug some wonderful smooth milk! I did not have too much just a glug before my meal and a glug after, oh it was nice.
Well so far the recipes we would recommend are:
chia porridge
Orange infused cookies
banana Mango pudding
Touchdown spicy cheese dip
spinach dip
Remember on the first day I told you I love before and after pictures and so I would have them on here for you? Well I am not patient enough to wait until all the way after so If you like to look at gross things, with much warning you can see some pictures on the before and after page which is on the left hand side of the blog. I will post a new picture every 7 days. With my new weight listed under the picture.
Lunch was also great we had the spinach dip with carrots. Yum. Kage and I loved it, Seth ate it with us, Terrina thought it was too spicy. But oh my this was good. All the dips have soaked cashews as a base. The other ones I think the other flavors take over too much but this one was flavorful without being overwhelming.
For dinner I put the left over red bell pepper dip on some spinach along with some pine nuts.
I made Turkey dinner for the fam. I didn't mind missing out on turkey, it is not my favorite anyway and although I love mashed potatoes that was not so bad either, but what I really yearned for was the stuffing. My mischievous daughter was trying to tempt me to eat just one bite. She was willing to take the blame and have me tell you all she forced it down me, it was not my fault. lol what a Turkey, I believe her motive may be that if I don't follow through she will have more grounds to end early. Just a suspicion:-)
Oh, how could I forget, my friend brought raw milk over for us so for the first time in a week I was able to glug some wonderful smooth milk! I did not have too much just a glug before my meal and a glug after, oh it was nice.
Well so far the recipes we would recommend are:
chia porridge
Orange infused cookies
banana Mango pudding
Touchdown spicy cheese dip
spinach dip
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